
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ridding myself of UFOs

I'm heading off on vacation tomorrow night, so I'm making an effort to finish a few things that have been patiently awaiting my attention, so that maybe they can find their way into my suitcase.

First up is my 6 gored skirt in white twill: Butterick 3134.  All it needs is a hem.  That's it.  For some reason I don't like hemming.  I don't have a helper, nor a nifty little gadget to mark hem length.  So I try on, mark a hem with pins, finish pinning all around.  Try it on again.  Fix wherever it's uneven.  Press.  Pray.  Sew.  Most of the time I will hand sew a hem.  For one, it's easier to undo if needed, and secondly, it's less visible.  We'll see how it goes tomorrow when I press, pray, and sew.

Next up is my Simplicity 4149 tunic.  I've made the sleeveless version already, but I saw this version on the Sew Tessuti  and fell in love!  So I'm altering my existing S 4149 pattern to be longer with a drawstring at the waist and flounces at the elbows.  I'm at the stage of attaching the sleeves.  I tend to be a little broad across the chest, probably due to the overcompensation my posture has gone through in response to the "stand up straight!  Keep your shoulders back" requests I heard growing up.  So sometimes sleeves don't fit well, they'll pull across the front and bunch up in the back.  Hence my pause in sewing the sleeves on.

We'll see how my progress goes tomorrow, because I certainly can't take a UFO on a plane.  ;)

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