
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Second and Third Sorbettos

I am keeping up with my New Years Goals in posting more and cleaning up all of my "Draft" blog posts and turning them into published blog posts!  So without further ado, I present my Second Sorbetto:

I made this one using an orange cotton with a diagonal diamond pin-tuck pattern sewn right in.  I skipped the pleat on the front of the blouse and found matching poplin to use for the bias binding at the neck and  armholes.  Here's a closeup of the fabric.

But wait!  There's more!  Sorbetto #3 was made with an embroidered white cotton with plain white cotton used for the bias tape.  

What else can I say about the Sorbetto?  It's cute.  It's easy, and IT'S FREE!  3 good things yield 3 good versions.  :)

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