
Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Plan at Last!

Since returning home from India, I have had trouble getting inspired to sew.  I had hoped that the arrival of my fabric stash and my sea shipment would have given me some ideas, but no luck.  Last week I was visiting my parents and my grandma  was there too since she was spending the summer back on the East Coast rather at home in Arizona.  It was a conversation with my grandma that finally got some sewing ideas flowing.  She was commenting on one of my daughter's dresses that was cool, loose, and cotton, saying that she wished she could find something like that for herself. since they are cool and comfortable.  Ding Ding!  If my grandma can't find what she wants...I will make it for her!

I headed out to Joann's and since there were no pattern sales going on, I stuck to perusing the "It's So Easy" and "See and Sew" patterns which are cheaper than the normal ones.  I settled on Butterick 5595  as a potential pattern for a simple, loose, cool, cotton dress for my grandma.  Here is the line drawing for the dress:

I will be scouring my stash for appropriate fabric, and lengthen it to be about 45" from shoulder to hem. Strangely enough, she and I are about the same size so I will fit it to me and hopefully it will fit her well too.

Thanks for the inspiration Grandma!

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