
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Make a Garment a Month Challenge

I am joining in the "Make a Garment a Month Challenge" that Sarah Liz is hosting over at SarahLizSewStyle.  The premise is simple.  Sew for yourself (I usually and selfishly do).  Decide on a project at the beginning of the month (I can do that).  Blog about it (I can do that too!).  I like these challenges/sew-alongs because it's a great way to find new blogs to read.  I have 354 blogs in Feedly, and there is always room for more!

So here is my October project:  I am going to make another Simplicity 2057 jacket (yes, I know...the pink coat isn't done yet--but only buttonholes are left!).  This one will be made from a dark brown suiting that I bought in India and will be even shorter than my pink coat and fall at my high hip.  I will also use the stand collar instead of the round one.

I cut my fabric yesterday and I'm going to time how long it takes me to make this one.  I'm curious to see how quickly I can whip it out when I'm not hand basting interfacing or pad stitching a collar or catch stitching my seam allowances down.  I'm expecting it to be a "quick" make!  This will also be my entry in the PatternReview Lined Jacket Contest.  


  1. Hi Meigan - it's nice to "meet "you. I'm just adding you to the blog roll.

    This is a great coat - it will be fantastic for both challenges. I'll be popping over to check how it's going :)

  2. You're a coat maniac! :)

    1. Ha ha ha! Very true. And the pink's done. Just finished it a few minutes ago. :)


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