
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Jacket: Butterick 5958, Muslin #1

I've decided on a jacket pattern.  It's going to be Butterick 5958. 
I've started on a muslin and my first impression of this jacket is that there are a lot of pattern pieces for something that looks so simple. 
I started by cutting a 16 an adding a 1/2" FBA, and grading up to a 20 at the hip.  I narrowed the shoulders by 1/2" each which is a typical adjustment for me.  

It's too big.  The front panels are too wide and I really didn't need to grade up so much at the hip. 
The bust point is too low; I'm going to raise it up about 3/4":
Edited to add: Thanks to a few good suggestions and advice, I will also widen the side fronts so that the princess seams fall in the right spot.
The back isn't too bad, it's just a little wide especially across the shoulders.  Once I get the front figured out, I'll look more closely at the back. 
You may be wondering which fabric I'm going to use, the purple boucle wool blend or the light gray wool blend.  Neither fabric has arrived yet (my Denver Fabrics order hasn't even been shipped...Arrg!), so I haven't made a decision.   Honestly, it might be neither.  While at Jo-Ann last week, I bought some dark blue non-wale corduroy which I may use instead.  Time will tell.  


  1. I think your princess seams might be in the wrong spot. They are suppose to run over the apex of the bust.

    1. I agree. I think that making the front pieces narrower will shift the seams to the right location. :)

  2. Also, I'd maybe think about carving out some more around the armscye, especially around the back and top. I think if you don't you might not be happy with the sleeve placement. Maybe attach one and see how it looks?

  3. Your side seam is falling in the right place, but the princess line seam is not. Get rid of the extra in the front panels and then slice open the side panels for the extra room that you need for the princess line seam to hit your bust. All in all, you are on track for a great jacket!

  4. Love your pattern.. This is going to pretty.. Love the corduroy idea.

  5. I really appreciated your posts on fitting. Fitting is an on going challenge for me and I am sure I will pick up some pointers from your posts and the very helpful comments you relieve

    1. I agree. Not only is the fitting process challenging, but the patience required to do it is even more so !

  6. Hi! This is my first visit :) nice blog, Meigan. Fit for Real People advised fitting the back first beore the front, as tightening the back has implications for the front. Based on their advice I've always done it that way. I like your alterations, they look spot-on. Keep chugging along :)

    1. I have that book too, I'll check it out, thanks!

  7. Omg! I know what you mean @ Denver Fabrics! I ordered some fabric last Monday....and it's still not here! The jacket will be great! Can't wait to see it!


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