
Monday, September 22, 2014

Fall Essentials Sew Along: FESA

Sarah over at Rhinestones and Telephones is hosting the Fall Essentials Sew Along (FESA).  I am joining in!

The categories are:

1.  Fashionable Foundations for Frosty Weather : bottoms, trousers, skirts, jeans, etc
2.  Chic Chemises for Cool Climates: blouses, tops, cardigans, sweaters
3.  Fabulous Frocks: any type of dress
4.  Underneath It All: underwear, bra
5.  Tender Tootsies (no plans to make socks)
6.  Those Cozy Nights: pajamas
7.  Baby It's Cold Outside:  Outerwear, hats, mittens

Here are my plans so far:

  • The green Jalie 2566 cardigan didn't come out wonderfully so I have been procrastinating writing about it. 
  • The white Butterick 5354, is complete, and I got a coffee stain on it the first time I wore it...arrgh! 
  • The Kwik Sew 3555 is compete with the exception of sewing buttons on. 
  • I may also make a long sleeve tee shirt or two using the top portion of the Lady Skater Dress. 

  • The Marrakesh pants are finished and just awaiting their blog post.
  • I have some caramel colored twill that may become the Thurlows,
  • I have some gray denim that will become a new pair of Jalie 2908 jeans.
  • Skirt fabric is undecided
Ah coats...I love coats!  There are too many coats and too little time.  I may begin with the McCall's 6800 in a beige & gray coating fabric.  I have ordered some navy wool suiting for the Vogue 8333.  That one will be a labor of love for sure. 
Remaining Categories:

  • I will make some pajama bottoms with some bright green jersey knit that has been sitting in my stash for a while. 
  • I probably won't make any dresses. 
  • I won't make socks.
  • Bras or underwear....maybe.  I have been wanting to learn to make bras for a while now.  I may get around to it.
So there it is!  My big FESA plans :)


  1. These are great sewing plans!!!! I find it really helps to carve out a plan (for me, anyway). I'm looking forward to seeing the "bottoms" category!

  2. Thanks. I agree, having a plan is a great way to stay motivated and focused.

  3. I've started brewing up some Fall sewing plans and may have to join this sewalong. I'm really looking forward to seeing you make that Vogue jacket. I keep eyeing it but haven't acquired it yet because jackets are in the "scary to sew" category with pants and bras...

    1. Realized there are two Vogue jackets. :P I'm referring to 8333.


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