
Monday, December 29, 2014

Sewing for kids

I managed to do a bit of sewing for my girls this Christmas.  First up is a blue corduroy skirt that I made using Jalie 2908 (yes, the jeans pattern) for a starting point.  I wanted to replace a denim skirt that she had loved to death, and I could not find a fly front denim-type skirt pattern.  This was my result:

I used gray topstitching thread for all of the topstitching. The pockets and fly shield were made from light blue poly crepe.


I made the length of the skirt a few inches below the knee and added a kick pleat to the back. 

Altering my pattern from jeans to a skirt was very straightforward.  I angled out from the widest point of the hip creating a flare for the front and back.  For the center front and back seams, I drew a straight line extending the center front at the fly, and center back at the widest part of the hip, down to my new hemline.  The only change I made was rotating the lower edge of back pockets outward toward the side seam.  As located per the pattern the pockets were a little odd looking and too parallel to the center back seam:

After rotating them outward...much better:


Next up for my Christmas sewing was a Jalie 2566 cardigan made with an argyle interlock knit.


My buttons were small pink hearts.  I thought I should use them while my daughter is still young enough to think they are cute.  She really likes this top.  I think the band lays strangely at the top button.  My version of this cardigan has this same issue, perhaps it is a pattern issue rather than an operator issue.  Much to my surprise, this pattern seems to be OOP.


Next up are 2 long sleeve versions of McCalls 6787 for my youngest.  The first one is made from a printed cotton jersey from



The second version used a rayon knit for the top and a quilting cotton for the skirt.  I think it came out adorable:


That's it for my Christmas sewing.  It was a big success.  :)

Happy New Year everyone!   


  1. The dresses for your girls are sweet, and I now know that Jalie has a button down cardigan pattern. Thank you for enabling me! The kick pleat is a great move in the skirt. I have corduroy sitting in my sewing room at this moment waiting for just that purpose.

  2. Huh, I don't think I've seen that Jalie cardigan pattern. It's very nice. Too bad about the band. The only thing I can think is that is the natural way for a fabric to curve (especially if it's ribbed.)


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