
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Not Enough Luck Of the Irish Today

First Google Reader is given its death sentence and then my sewing machine stopped sewing a proper stitch.  The tension has been giving me troubles for a while and today was apparently it's quitting day.  Sigh.  I schlepped my machine off to the shop today so it could hopefully resume its spot in the repair queue, and I can get it back in a reasonable amount of time.  Time will tell on that one.

As for a Google Reader replacement, I'm giving Feedly a try and also Newsblur.  Hopefully Newsblur's speed will increase once the onslaught of Google Readers dies down and gives their servers a break.

Before my machine quit on me, I had been working on 2 things: my daughter's first Communion dress (Simplicity 3588) and a skirt for me in white seersucker (Simplicity 2226).  They are both almost done and are now stuck in stitching Purgatory.

I have also been working on my New Year's Resolution list and have almost finished Craftsy's "Pants Fitting Techniques", and have done my first round of adjustments to the pattern pieces simply based on my measurements, the pattern measurements, and the measurements of a great fitting pair of RTW pants. I am now ready to cut out my muslin.

I also received my latest fabric order including some ITY Jersey and 2 pieces of swimsuit spandex.  Seriously, I love my new bathing suit so much, I must make another one!!

This week's plan seems to involve a lot of cutting.  Pants muslin, Swimsuit for me, maybe one for each of my girls, and knit dress (I just need to decide on a pattern for that one)

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

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