
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Leibster Award(s)!

I have been graciously nominated for a Liebster Award....several times.  This is the first I have acknowledge it, so Carrie, you tipped me over the edge...


First of all I'd like to thank those who have nominated me in chronological order (from first to most recent)

Jess from The Sometimes Sewist (back in May of last year)
Mary Ann from Little House on the Dairy
Kathy from The Nerdy Seamstress
Tracy from Tracy Sews Happy 
Anne from Anne's Blog
Carrie of Crafted by Carrie

The purpose of the Liebster Blog Award is to recognise and promote newer and smaller blogs with less than 200 followers. There are a few conditions that are attached: 
  1. Thank everyone who nominated me (check!)
  2. Answer her questions.  Seeing how I have been given about 60 questions, I'll pare that down a to 10 things you didn't know about me. 
  3. Nominate 5 blogs with fewer than 200 followers for the award
  4. Submit questions for them to answer in a post!
Doesn't seem hard does it?  Well, #3 is where I got hung up.  I have to follow the rules.  Seriously.  I'd rather not do something than to do it wrong.  Now that most people are using a blog reader of some sort, I had no idea how many followers a blog has, and I didn't want to nominate someone with too many followers.  And so I was so paralyzed by that roadblock I was unable to nominate anyone.  I realize that sounds ridiculous...

So I will nominate small-ish blogs that you may or may not know.  That works :)

10 Things You Don't know about Me:

  1. I can speak French.  I was an exchange student in France after graduating high school and my high school French turned into fluency.  I have forgotten a lot of vocabulary since then, but I am totally comfortable speaking.
  2. I have an Engineering degree and am a licensed Professional Structural Engineer. 
  3. I love to build and make things, which explains my education, former job, and current love of sewing.
  4. I learned to cook by watching the Food Network almost all day long during my maternity leave.
  5. The best advice I have heard is "No one can take advantage of you without your permission"
  6. The best parenting advice I have heard is "Don't try to be a good parent, be a responsible one."
  7. I am most proud of sewing jeans.
  8. One day I will sew a bra; it's the next frontier of "crazy yet awesome things to sew"
  9. My biggest pet peeve is when people use the words "anxious" and "eager" interchangeably.  They do not mean the same thing!! 
  10.  The title of my blog came from my friend Ammi whom I met while living in India.  She used the phrase "get my stitch on" when talking about making a dress for her daughter.  She is a person who is so full of life, verve, adventure, and craziness that you don't know whether she is totally insane or wildly awesome.  She blogs at:  Naming my blog "Get My Stitch On" is a reminder to me to live life to the fullest like Ammi does.
My 5 nominations (in no particular order):

1.  Niema from Wearable Muslin
2.  Tommie from Unseamly Girl Blog
3.  Sophie-Lee from Two Random Words
4.  Nakisha from Sew Crafty Chemist
5.  Aleksandra from The Liveaboard Takes the Suburbs

So my questions for them:

1.  What is the best advice you have ever received?

2.  Toilet paper: do you mount it so the end is over or under the roll?  (I'm over!)

3.  What is the gutsiest/scariest thing you have ever done?

4.  How did your parents decide on your first name?

5.  If a stranger were to compliment you on something you made, would you tell them you made it?

6.  Do you tell friends/family/co-workers that you have a sewing blog?

7.  Name a fabric you love to touch (a lot)

8.  Favorite online source for fabric

9.  Favorite online source for other sewing supplies

10.  What is on your list of "crazy/awesome things to sew one day"?

Thank you everyone who nominated me and please visit the blogs of my nominees and check out their creations!




  1. This is awesome! Love the questions :)

    Thanks for the nomination and for visiting my lil' 'ole blog!! :)

  2. I like question 5. ("No" and if they then ask if I made it I'll say yes and start pointing out what's wrong with it!) So how long did it take to become fluent in French?



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