
Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Own Personal Honey-Do List and my MMM '14 plans

Friends, I haven't been in the mood to sew.  I really don't need anything new right now, and would rather do other things.  (gasp!)  Instead of pulling up at the sewing machine, I have pulled out my power tools, painting supplies, and dove into some home improvements.  

I am the handy one in my house and I take charge of repairs, maintenance and upkeep at our house, so the Honey-do list is made by me and done by me.  My husband was also out of the country for business so I had free reign to go crazy without having to explain myself to anyone.  (Does anyone else do that?)  I also didn't feel bad about leaving cans of paint and tools on the dining room floor all month.  :)

I'm not sure where my motivation came from, but I felt as though I was experiencing an intense non-pregnant form of nesting.  Here's a brief look at my completed tasks:

  • primed and painted the family room ceiling (painting ceilings stinks)
  • washed and painted the stairwell walls
  • re-caulked trim where it separated from the walls
  • stained the front porch floor and back deck floor blue (it looks awesome btw)
  • scraped, sanded, primed and (almost) finished painting the porch railings
  • stained the back deck railings
  • fixed ALL drywall cracks
  • organized the junk drawer. 
  • fixed a sticky drawer on the coffee table
  • dug up and relocated 2 shrubs in my front yard
  • had the carpets shampooed
  • had the house power-washed
  • organized the front closet and BUILT a shoe rack
  • did a small closet purge
  • cleaned out the garage
  • fixed a closet door that wouldn't close
  • pruned low tree branches
  • bought a leaf blower and cleared leaves off my yard (we live in a very wooded area)
I don't even think that's everything...

Oh wait!  I've also lost over 6 pounds in the past 10 days by tracking my calorie intake and daily exercise.  A big Thank you to Erica B. for suggesting the My Fitness Pal app.  I downloaded it right away and have been faithfully and honestly inputting my meals.  There hasn't been any working out but I can count cleaning, painting, and yard work as exercise and calories burned.  :)

So, basically everything and anything that has annoyed me about my house has been addressed over the past 3 weeks and it feels great.  :)

Do you know what else is great?  Next week is my birthday and hubby and I are going to LONDON!  He has to go for work, but I get to tag along!!  We leave London on May 1st so that means that Me-Made-May must start in London!  The photo opportunities alone are making me giddy!  Here is my MMM pledge:

I, Meigan of Get My Stitch On, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I will endeavor to wear at least 1 handmade garment 6 days a week for the duration of May 2014.

Last year I made the pledge for 5 days a week and I wanted to step it up this year.  So there you have it.  What I've been doing and what's coming next.  :)


  1. I wish my DH would go away for an extended period - I think I would rip the house to pieces and redo the lot! I don't mind DIY either. Enjoy London, it's a great place to visit.

  2. Have a nice time and a Happy Birthday in London!!!

  3. WOW - that task list is incredible! Happy birthday in London!!

    1. Hi Meigan - I nominated you for a Liebster award! Check it out here:

      Happy Easter/Birthday/London-trip!


  4. You have certainly been busy, I wish I had gotten half of what I needed to get done. Hope London is fun, you certainly deserve it after all that work.


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